Sunday, July 25, 2010


Summer in Texas is hot, there is no denying it. It is also humid, and this summer, incredibly rainy. However, I love summer. It gives me the freedom to enjoy my time with J, without having to fight over things like homework and project due dates. He has grown into such a remarkable young man. I know that I can trust him and that he will help around house without complaint, all I need to do is leave him a list. When I come home from work, he is brimming over with thoughts from the day, and he wants to share them with me. I am treasuring this time, because I know soon enough, he will not want to talk to me at all. It'll probably start with the new school year.
I am so appreciative of the fact that I've recognized this, and that I am taking the time to be grateful for this.

1 comment:

Envoy-ette said...

Me too. Dan is 14 and it's started. If I like certain shoes, he hates them. If I buy him a hamburger, he'll want chicken. If I ask him to take a shower, he'll do it four days later. *sigh* I guess all you can do is remember that they'll come around in few years. At least I hope so.